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Hindi-English > बाकी आधा बाएं मुड

बाकी आधा बाएं मुड in English

pronunciation: [ baki adha baem mud ]  sound:  

बाकी    balance rest residue residual remnant remainder
आधा    semi demi- dimidiate dimidium half halfway
आधा बाएं मुड    left incline
बाएं    to the left blue side dress quick march right
बाएं मुड    eyes fornt left turn right dress बाएं to

What is the meaning of बाकी आधा बाएं मुड in English and how to say baki adha baem mud in English? बाकी आधा बाएं मुड English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.